About Us

Those who have built and are supporting this website are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We are devoting our lives to building the Kingdom of God, because we believe that the gospel of Jesus Christ has been restored to the earth. It is true. Many of us live in the Boston area in the United States.

This website and the material offered here are not authorized by the LDS Church. Rather, we have developed these things under two licenses that the Lord has given to all members of the Church. The first is in Section 58:26-69 of the Doctrine and Covenants, in which the Lord urged us not to passively wait and be compelled in all things. The second is in Sections 38:23 and 88:77, in which we are asked to teach one another. We all are member missionaries; and in one way or another are asked to lead in sharing the gospel.

Although the materials are useful to all, they have been particularly developed to help ward mission leaders become more successful in their responsibilities.

The materials available through this website — by download or as printed materials shipped to you, are free throughout the world. We simply ask, as you use these materials, that you teach us how we can improve them — what works, what doesn’t work as well, and why. We also ask that you tell others about this website — particularly those who take your place when you get released!

We support two other websites: www.everydaymissionaries.org; and www.YSA-Leaders.org. We invite you to visit them as well.